forwarding to a child zone is different!!

Badbanchi, Hossein HBadbanchi at
Tue Apr 24 14:27:57 UTC 2001

> If the NS records for the zone-to-be aren't in the parent zone, 
> then there is no delegation, and there is no sub-zone.

Please help me to unserstand you better.
I have a domain "mydomain". I have delegated the zone "stub.mydomain"
to the server "ns.stub.mydomain", and here are my configuration files:


zone "" {
	type master;
	file "";
zone "" {
	type stub;
	file "";
zone "" {
	type forward;
	forward only;
	forwarders { some_other_ip_addr; };
@	IN SOA ...
stub	IN NS
ns.stub	IN 	A	some_ip_addr

As far as I understand the delegation of the child zone "stub.mydomain"
to the server "ns.stub.mydomain" is complete now.
(It was complete even without the NS for "stub" and A for "ns.stub", since
I have defined this as a stub zone. But I have delibrately add them for
completeness, and since adding them doesn't harm.)

Now if the admin of "stub.mydomain" wants to delegate some part of his zone
to some other party, is it necessary that this delegation be also reflected
in my zone files?

The question was: 
>>  Where's the NS record for child.stub.mydomain?  If it's a separate zone,
>>  it needs an NS set in the parent.
and the answer was:
>  It is in the zone file of "stub.mydomain".

After all "stub.mydomain" IS the parent of "child.stub.mydomain".

I have written "stub.mydomain" has delegated the zone "child.stub.mydomain"
to some other party, and the NS record(s) and their associated A record(s)
are in the zone file of "stub.mydomain".
What is wrong with this?

Thanks for any explanation.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Knowles [mailto:brad.knowles at]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 13:49
To: Badbanchi, Hossein; 'Brian Wellington'; Kevin Darcy
Cc: 'bind-users at'; 'bind9-users at'
Subject: RE: forwarding to a child zone is different!!

At 12:38 PM +0200 4/24/01, Badbanchi, Hossein wrote:

>>  Where's the NS record for child.stub.mydomain?  If it's a separate zone,
>>  it needs an NS set in the parent.
>  It is in the zone file of "stub.mydomain".

	If the NS records for the zone-to-be aren't in the parent zone, 
then there is no delegation, and there is no sub-zone.  Period.  End 
of discussion.

	Zone cuts are defined by delegation, which is caused by the 
existence of NS RRs.  That's just the way life is.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>

/*        efdtt.c  Author:  Charles M. Hannum <root at>          */
/*       Represented as 1045 digit prime number by Phil Carmody         */
/*     Prime as DNS cname chain by Roy Arends and Walter Belgers        */
/*                                                                      */
/*     Usage is:  cat title-key scrambled.vob | efdtt >clear.vob        */
/*   where title-key = "153 2 8 105 225" or other similar 5-byte key    */

dig|perl -ne'if(/^x/){s/[x.]//g;print pack(H124,$_)}'

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