bind lockups

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Apr 25 17:20:21 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Frazier" == Frazier Scott <scottf at> writes:

    Frazier> Can anyone help me troubleshoot my dns server?  I'm
    Frazier> running Bind 9.1.0 and can't upgrade to 9.1.1 because of
    Frazier> compile-time errors.

Well report those compilation errors to bind9-bugs. Nobody should be
running 9.1.0. It has a number of threading bugs that cause it to lock
up. These are fixed in 9.1.1, though some platforms with broken
threads implementations will need to run a single-threaded name
server. This is done with a --disable-threads argument to configure
before compiling.

    Frazier> cc -pthread -std -g -o dig dig.o dighost.o ../../lib/dns/libdns.a ../../lib/isc/libisc.a -lpthread
    Frazier> ld: Unresolved: __h_errno make[2]: *** [dig] Error 1

__h_errno is a standard symbol in a Unix resolver library. It's used
for holding an error code whenever a resolver routine returns an
error, just like errno and a Unix system call. Try linking the
programs with libresolv.a (ie a -lresolv argument to cc/ld) or
whatever it's called on your system. It might be an idea to rebuild
BIND9 from scratch in case there's junk from an earlier, broken
compilation attempt lying around. It could well be that your problems
are related to the compilation problems you referred to earlier. I'd
get them fixed first obviously.

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