only one named-xfer at a time

Cricket Liu cricket at
Fri Aug 3 19:22:58 UTC 2001

> We're running the latest stable bind8 (8.2.4? whichever it is)
> and the subject pretty well says it all.
> The named-xfers seem to be occurring in single file on a couple of
> the secondaries.
> We have the following options set:
> max-transfer-time-in 1;
> transfers-in 20;
> transfers-out 20;
> transfers-per-ns 20;
> This used to work, not sure what happened.

Setting the max-transfer-time to one minute might have something
to do with it:  Each named-xfer would only be around for a minute
at the most, then named would kill it.  Are you sure that's what you


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