How to override too-short TTL?

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Tue Aug 21 22:04:17 UTC 2001

At 1:58 PM -0700 8/20/01, Daemeon Reiydelle wrote:

>  The question was: is there a way to force a minimum time to live?

	No, there is no standard way to do this.

>  I don't care if I violate some lamer's right to be an idiot. I care
>  about MY right to avoid complaints about "how slow the network is" when
>  my customer reads a page, then hits a "next" link, watches as 3 (or
>  more) separate DNS hits get resolved because the lamer has 3 different
>  url's for every darned page, each with a 2 minute timeout, and is too
>  stupid to install a free load balancer (e.g. OpenBSD) or to cheap to
>  install a commercial product (e.g. BigIP, Cisco or other).

	Fine.  Learn C, and hack the source code.  Fork off your own 
private copy of BIND (or whatever other program you want), and 
continue to maintain it to your grave.

	Alternatively, learn to live with the problem and explain to your 
customers that some sites are dain-bramaged and have screwed up DNS 
configurations and TTLs.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>


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