IXFR problem

Jaysheel Mehd jaysheelmehd at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 13 16:24:21 UTC 2001

Hi all,

I am running BIND 8.2.5 on primary and the secondary
server. All the zones are dynamically updated.
I am trying to implement the IXFR on the master and
the slave server. Each and every time I do the IXFR I
get the following errors:

db: warning: Logical error in master/10.32.11.ixfr:
db: warning: master/10.32.11.ixfr: No such file or

The master server automatically deletes the .ixfr
file. It should not be the case as I believe that it
will be maintaining the ixfr base.

I am keeping the excerpt of master and slave

Master server
        check-names master warn;
        check-names slave warn;
        directory "/etc/dns";
        notify yes;
        query-source address * port 53;
        version "None of your business";
        maintain-ixfr-base yes;

Slave server

server master server's IP address {
        support-ixfr yes;


Thanks in advance

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