Logging zone transfers in 9.1.0

Brett Gianpetro brettg at whatupg.com
Thu Feb 1 23:34:35 UTC 2001

My apologies if this gets posted twice.  I sent the e-mail yesterday but
I never saw it go through.  I checked the archives and deja.com, but I
didn't see it there either.  Anyways, on to the question...

I just upgraded to bind 9.1.0 last night and everything appears
to be working properly except it doesn't seem to be logging outgoing zone
transfers.  Here is the current config:

           channel "xfer_log" {
                file "/usr/local/named/log/named.xfer.log";
                print-time yes;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;

           category "xfer-out" {

I've also tried different severity levels in the "xfer_log" channel to no

I thought maybe something was wrong with my config, so I commented out the
above and tried letting my default logging catch it.  That didn't work

I've done numerous zone transfers, but I never see anything in the
logs.  Is anyone else experiencing this problem, or do I have something
wrong with my config?

Thank you,

Brett Gianpetro

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