Simple question that doesn't let me sleep :)

Vitali Malicky vitali at
Fri Feb 2 15:18:47 UTC 2001

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

I have been given a definite task:

1 to make several virtual ip-based hosts;
2 to set up a name server on that macchine;
3 to make that name server to resolve all those virtual host names
  (so that not to pay our ISP for registering a number of new domain names);
  for example:
  I buy an ip-address, invent a domain name, check out if it already exists in the internet,
  if not, then I can give it to one of my virtual hosts, and if someone from the 
  internet wants to see my site on that virtual hosts the dns query comes to my
  name server where the qurey is resolved and everything is OK as a result :)

  Is it technically possible or is it possible at all.
  Thanks in advance for any help both little and detailed.

The best of luck to you.
Vitali Malicky
System Administrator
vitali at

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