thoe zone name cname problem

Mathias Körber mathias at
Thu Feb 8 12:33:44 UTC 2001

> hello,
> i recently upgraded to bind 8.2.3, and i'm having trouble for 
> several zones
> which use their zone name
> as the url of their web site (like as It 
> seems that
> in 8.2.3, named
> rejects the zone and says "CNAME and other DATA.." despite the fact that
> this zone name is defined
> only once in a single place.

In a case like this, there exist other ecords for the zone, namely the
NS records delegating the zone (and presumably also the SOA and NS records
in the zone itself). These do constitute 'other data' and simply are invalid
in the presence of a CNAME record for the same name (or the other way round:
A zone that properly delegated and set up cannot have a CNAME for its
name as it would 'mask' the SOA and NS records for the zone itself).


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