dynamic dns errors in log?

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Sat Feb 24 10:16:26 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Weber <weberr at refuge.Colorado.EDU> writes:

    Robert> I don't think you understood my question.  How do we turn
    Robert> off the messages from bind?  I personally cannot modify
    Robert> the setup of the 10000+ w2k and macos machines in my B
    Robert> class, and don't want to.  I just want to turn off the
    Robert> annoying messages to syslog.

Set up a logging{} statement to send all security category message to
the null channel:

	logging {

		category security {
			channel null;

However if you do that, you'll lose log messages about all unapproved
queries, zone transfer attempts and so on as well as the idiot DDNS
attempts by those MacOS and W2K boxes. You'd lose all the DDNS
attempts too. This might mean you don't get warned of a security
problem - someone trying to corrupt your zone data by attacking your
name servers - or of a violation by someone who does have permission
to do DDNS. I suggest you don't do that. However it's your choice.

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