[QUESTION] Delegating zone

Roy Arends Roy.Arends at nominum.com
Tue Feb 27 08:33:28 UTC 2001

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Mathias Körber wrote:

> > This is a form of lame delegation though its not so harmfull. Yes,
> > nss3.otherdomain.com. will be authoritative if its configured as such. Its
> > however unlikely that nss3.otherdomain.com. ever will be queried, since no
> > resolver will learn from ns1.domain.com that nss3.otherdomain.com. is
> > authoritative. In other words, why not have all listed in the parent zone
> > (at ns1.domain.com) to divide the load. 
> Actually, initial queries for this zone (when still unknown to a resolving nameserver)
> will only go to NSS1 and NSS2. After that resolving NS has learnt the full NS RRset (including
> NSS3), it will remember this (more authoritatively known) set and also use NSS3 for
> further queries for that zone, until this RRset expires.

Yes, when the subdomain is looked up in a cache. So it will only use nss3
when the subdomain is looked up for a second time (or more) within the
say 1800 seconds (looking at SOA ttl). This configuration is causing extra

Roy Arends

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