Forwarders and UDP

Georg Ulfig georg at
Thu Jan 18 13:52:03 UTC 2001


I have not found a solution for my problem in this newsgroup so I will post

it here.

My configuration: SuSE7 Linux, Bind8, Dial on Demand, masquerading, dynamic


My first attempt was to set my providers name server address as forwarder

plus forwarding only.

Problem: If a name server request (unfortunately UDP) has to be forwarded to

the name server of the provider, DoD opens a connection, but the request is

lost, because UDP packets with a dummy IP (if the connection is not

established) can not be patched to "real IP" (after connection) .

My solution: I added my providers name server IP several times to the

forwarders list. This worked fine, because the name server now requests more

often the external name server.

New problem: Now I discovered that, even if my local dns has cached the

requested data, the forwarders will be asked for a specific name.

New solution: no forwarders, not forward only -> only root name servers ->

this works fine but this is a DIRTY solution.

Can anybody tell me, what I do wrong? Can Bind8 be configured to send only

TCP requests to the forwarders?


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