reverse lookup question...

Simon Waters Simon at
Tue Jun 26 15:28:50 UTC 2001

Wouter Sonneveldt wrote:
> Does anybody know if it is possible to generate for one specific ip address
> (registered by my company) a complete list of DNS-names that are associated
> with that address?
> If I do a 'dig -x 111.222.333.444', I get only one name for each ip-address,
> but I know there are more...

In general no - you want to do an "inverse query" and the
DNS just doesn't do them. The reverse look up is a special
case, but you can only look up data that has been entered.

If all the zones pointing at this address are your's try
"grepping" the zone files.

Why do you ask?


PS: Having only one PTR record per IP address is probably
sensible, as most software that looks at them only gets
confused if you have more than one.

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