What's going on here? Lots of PTR records for one address

Roy Arends Roy.Arends at nominum.com
Wed Mar 21 11:19:40 UTC 2001

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Kenneth Porter wrote:

> Try this:
> dig -x @ns2.cl.bellsouth.net
> Lots of PTR records for one address. Who's screwed up here? Is somebody
> poisoned? The NS record is also bogus.

Poisoned is a big word. No, their not poised, spoofed or hacked as far as
I know.

They have a strange setup though. Parent lists 3 servers as
authoritative for their child zone.


Only the first answers authoritative. The other 2 act probably as slaves.
The master specified in the SOA points to an NS record. This NS record
must mention a server that is authoritative for the zone, but the one
specified (localhost.77.76.216.in-addr.arpa.) does not have an A record,
nor matches it one of the servers in the parents delegation.


LAME DELEGATION written all over the place.

But, nothing seems poised to me, just a screwed-up architecture. 

Lots of ptr records for on address is perfectly legal.


Roy Arends

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