repetative queries

Michael McQuarrie metrismq at
Tue May 8 13:29:17 UTC 2001

Another config issue i'm sure...
I am running 8.2.3-REL on AIX 4.3.3. I keep getting
these queries coming from the server querying itself
in every form.  The odd part is that the server is not
defined anywhere as ilxdns01 except in the hostname of
the server.  None of the db files have ilxdns01 in
them.  The host file identifies the server as dns1. 
When I do a nslookup the server is recognized as dns1.
 The server name is ilxdns01/dns1 and the internal ip
is  Is this normal? How can I make this
stop?  Any help is greatly appreciated.

08-May-2001 08:05:16.475
08-May-2001 08:05:16.482 XX+/
08-May-2001 08:05:21.492 XX+/
08-May-2001 08:05:31.493 XX+/
08-May-2001 08:05:51.493 XX+/
08-May-2001 08:06:31.499

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