Performance Test Metrics for dns server performance.

Jim Reid jim at
Tue May 8 17:05:37 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Raul" == Raul Miller <raul at> writes:

    Raul> If you've used a web browser which has bind as its dns
    Raul> resolver, you'll often have to reload the page the first
    Raul> time you visit a new site.  Sometimes several times -- until
    Raul> bind gets enough information in the cache to resolve the
    Raul> query.

This is utter nonsense. Query restart is not a significant problem
with old versions of BIND unless someone is stupid enough to set up a
confused maze of mutually interdependent NS records. And if someone
does that, they deserve to wallow in a mess of their own making. [They
made their own bed, so they should lie in it.] And BTW, BIND9 does
implement query restart. It also implements a whole raft of DNS
protocols and standards that djbdns doesn't, like Secure DNS, TSIG,
IXFR, IPv6 (A6 & DNAME records), EDNS0, Dynamic Update, etc, etc

The original poster did not give enough information about his setup
and testing methodology to draw any conclusions from the results he
found. For instance, what was in the server's cache, what was in the
caches of the servers that were queried by that server, whether the NS
records were prone to generate query restarts, if the network and
router loads and topologies were the same, etc, etc. He also didn't
define what was meant by "42% accuracy" or how this was even measured.

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