2 domains, one nameserver...

Pedro Fonseca pedro.fonseca at netcabo.pt
Thu Nov 8 13:01:01 UTC 2001


Sorry if this is kind of lame, but every example I saw so far is how to do a
zone file for one domain. I have a main domain 'pedrofonseca.com' and now a
have another one: 'pedrofonseca.net'.

When someone writes down http://www.pedrofonseca.net I would like that it
would be redirected to www.pedrofonseca.com.

This is an excerpt of my named.conf:

zone "pedrofonseca.com" in {
 type master;
 file "db.pedrofonseca.com";

zone "pedrofonseca.net" in {
 type master;
 file "db.pedrofonseca.net";

This is an excerpt of my 'db.pedrofonseca.com' file:

@  IN SOA ns1.pedrofonseca.com. webmaster.pedrofonseca.com. (
  2001110802 ; Serial
  600  ; Refresh after 10 minutes
  1800  ; Retry after 30 minutes
  604800  ; Expire after 1 week
  600 )  ; Minimum TTL of 10 minutes

  IN NS ns1.pedrofonseca.com.
  IN MX 10 ono

  localhost IN A
  ns1  IN A
  ono  IN A
  www  IN A
  hosaka  IN A
  sendai  IN A
  pedro  IN A
  sara  IN A
  mariana  IN A

How should I do to make www.pedrofonseca.net the same as
www.pedrofonseca.net? I tried this in the 'db.pedrofonseca.net' (although it
didn't work):

@  IN SOA ns1.pedrofonseca.com. webmaster.pedrofonseca.com. (
  2001110802 ; Serial
  600  ; Refresh after 10 minutes
  1800  ; Retry after 30 minutes
  604800  ; Expire after 1 week
  600 )  ; Minimum TTL of 10 minutes

  IN NS ns1.pedrofonseca.com.
  IN MX 10 ono.pedrofonseca.com.

  www IN CNAME www.pedrofonseca.com.

Can this be done, or am I completely looking in the wrong place and this
should be done with a redirect directive in Apache?

Best regards.
Pedro Fonseca (pedro.fonseca at iscte.pt)
Mob.: (+351)964598357
ADETTI/ISCTE (Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa)

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