Windows Bind library and resolv.conf

Danny Mayer mayer at
Fri Oct 5 23:40:10 UTC 2001

At 06:51 PM 10/5/01, Gopal Kulkarni wrote:
>It appears that the W2K Bind library requires the resolv.conf file (in the
>Windows system folder) in order to find the  DNS server. However, W2K does
>not create or use the resolv.conf file. It stores that information (DNS
>server) in the registry. 
>Does this mean if there is no resolv.conf file, Bind library will not work? 
>Another question I have is - what if the host is using DHCP? How will the
>Bind libarary get the DNS server name?

Microsoft moved the location of the nameserver list in the registry between
NT 4.0 and W2K.  NT 4.0 does not require the resolv.conf file but will use it
if it's there.  W2K does require it as the work was not done to have it do the
necessary lookups.  Feel free to implement this.

Since you usually use fixed nameserver lists anyway, even for DHCP it shouldn't
make a difference.


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