TSIG errors

Bill.Stephens at fritolay.com Bill.Stephens at fritolay.com
Mon Oct 8 14:52:52 UTC 2001

I'm having a problem setting up TSIG's between my primary and secondary servers.
I tried following the instructions in the DNS & BIND book, but am obviously
missing something.  I'm running BIND 8.2.3   on both master and slave.  I'm
receiving the following error message when the primary tries to send a notify
for an IXFR:

named-xfer[19921]: SOA TSIG verification from server [(primary ip address], zone
 myzone.tst: no TSIG present (-10)

My primary is setup with:

key updatekey. {

        algorithm hmac-md5;
        secret "(my secret key";
options {
        directory "/var/named";
        auth-nxdomain yes;
        allow-transfer {
        key {updatekey.;};
        maintain-ixfr-base yes;
        max-ixfr-log-size 1M;
        transfer-format many-answers;

My secondary is setup with:

key updatekey. {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
        secret "my secret key";

server (my primaries ip addr) {
        keys { updatekey.;};
        support-ixfr yes;


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