Bind 9.1.3 stop resolving but is still running.

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Fri Sep 7 08:32:46 UTC 2001

At 1:45 AM -0400 9/7/01, Jason Larke wrote:

>  My bad; I should have specified "quick cheap fixes." :)

	I am reminded of a quote I heard from somewhere else:

		Good, quick, cheap.  Pick two.


>  Cache00 is a Netra 1125 with 2 300mhz UltraSparcII CPUs and 2
>  gigs of RAM. I figured BIND 9's multithreading might make it
>  faster than BIND 8, so I ran some quick tests.

	In that case, if you built with threading enabled (a feature that 
is now disabled by default, due to all the problems with the 
threading libraries on most OSes), and you built using the vendor 
compilers (not gcc, which is known for having problems generating 
64-bit code for Solaris, and is generally unsupported for Solaris 
anyway), then you *should* have seen that BIND 9.1.x performs 
reasonably closely to the best you will see from BIND 8, and that 
BIND 9.2.x should hopefully perform that much better.

	Dig through the archives and take a look at the previous reports 
on this mailing list/newsgroup for similar testing performed by Matt 
Simerson, and then compare his latest methodology to your own, and 
see if there is anything missing or needing improvement.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>


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