Newbie: Install 9/Remove 8 on FreeBSD

Joseph Begumisa begj at
Sun Sep 30 11:54:52 UTC 2001

> I'm trying to upgrade to BIND 9.1.3.
> How do I correctly remove the BIND 8.2.3 that comes installed with FreeBSD
> 4.3 and install 9.1.3 using ports?
> I've tried several times using the ports collection and 9 seems to install,
> but 8 is still installed and running.

1-first build
  cd /usr/ports/net/bind9

  make PREFIX=/usr PIDDIR=/var/run DESTETC=/etc/namedb
   DESTEXEC=/usr/libexec DESTRUN=/var/run DESTSBIN=/usr/sbin

2-second, kill the existing named

3-third, remove any existing installed bind from the ports before you
  install.  You can find out using pkg_info. use pkg_delete to remove the
  previously installed bind 8.2.3.  Always backup your zone files.

4-install using the same options that you used in building.
  cd /usr/ports/net/bind9

  make PREFIX=/usr PIDDIR=/var/run DESTETC=/etc/namedb
   DESTEXEC=/usr/libexec DESTRUN=/var/run DESTSBIN=/usr/sbin
   DESTHELP=/usr/share/misc install

5-check that you have the correct version installed using /usr/sbin/named

6-lastly, start bind which can be started from /etc/rc.conf using

  named_flags="-u bind -g bind"

if you check that logs after starting it, you should the same output as
that from the command /usr/sbin/named -v.


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