use of multiple masters per domain?

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Apr 1 19:55:20 UTC 2002

>>>>> "bert" == bert hubert <ahu at> writes:

    bert> Hi, While working on the bind compatibility module of
    bert> PowerDNS, we were wondering what the use is of specifying
    bert> multiple masters for a zone?

Presumably you mean entries in a masters{} clause of a slave zone{}
statement? "Multiple masters" has other connotations...

The reason for doing that should be obvious. Suppose a zone has three
servers. A's the master and B and C are slaves. What if a network
failure means C can't get to A but can still reach B and B can still
reach A? C can still keep an up to date copy of the zone data by
taking a copy from B.

    bert> Does bind check them round robin? Or in order, if any of
    bert> them are down? 

IIRC BIND8 checked them in the order they were listed in the masters{}
clause. I don't know if this behaviour changed for BIND9.

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