Just a quick clarification on also-notify option

Rakesh-Home rshah at rupalifinechem.com
Mon Apr 1 21:46:51 UTC 2002

I just wanted to quickly clarify one doubt. I am currently setting up a 
slave DNS servers for our external zones, currently we have none. 

and I was wondering if I  use this options in master named.conf 

notify yes; 
also-notify { ip.of.my.slaves.; }; 

under the Global option section of named.conf, will be enough for all the 
zone that this master is authorative for ? 

Since my slave will be slave for all the zones that master currently has. I 
do not want to add also-notify in each and every zones since it will be a 
very tedious job as it have lot's of zone in it and more chances of syntax 
error's and typo's... 

Thank you for you help. 

Rakesh Shah 

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