refreshing the dns cache

Danny Mayer mayer at
Mon Aug 26 13:34:41 UTC 2002

At 07:51 AM 8/21/02, Simon Waters wrote:

>Jonathan Tse wrote:
> >
> > Things do not go well in BIND9 and I found out it is because the cache and
> > the local zones are stored in two (or more if there are more than one view)
> > databases. I am in the midst of creating a new rndc command such that it
> > will check all the cache database and remove the cached domain.
>I believe that Nominum are introducing this into 9.3, so why not
>try the snapshot from

Nominum has nothing to do with this.  The ISC is responsible for all the
BIND code.

9.3 includes the rndc command flushname so there is no need to write your
own implementation.


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