Help Desperately need please can you help

Simon Waters Simon at
Thu Jan 3 23:20:14 UTC 2002

Sean Woodlock wrote:
> as i am a bind newbie.  Could someone please take a quick look over
> the files that iv included and give some advice, i been working on
> this for 4 whole days and im just not getting no further, so i could
> really do with some  clear instruction on hiow to get this work.

The command you need is "named-checkconf named.conf" it should
be in /usr/local/bin

> options {
>     directory "/var/named";           // Working directory
>             forwarders {;;};
>     forward only;
>      };

Stray close bracket - delete it.

>     query-source port 53;
> };
> acl "internal" {;; };
> view "internal"{
>       match-clients { "internal";};
>       allow-query{ "internal";};
>       recursion yes;

Do views when you have mastered the rest. You can probably do
without them in most cases.

The brackets don't match the view so you can cut these 4 lines
for the moment.
> zone "" {
>       type master;
>       file ""; };
> zone "" {
>       type master;
>       file "gamers-choice.rev"; };
> root server

Eek was that a comment - I cut these lines for testing.

> zone "."  {
>         type hint;
>         file "/caching-example/;";
> };

Is that file name right - smells to me.

> zone "" { type master;
>       file "caching-example/named.local";
>       allow-update { none; };
> };
> controls{
>   inet allow {localhost;} keys {"rndckey";};
> };
> key "rndckey" {
>         algorithm       hmac-md5;
>         secret "c3Ryb25nIGVub3VnaCBmb3IgYSBtYW4gYnV0IG1hZGUgZm9yIGEgd29tYW4K==";
> };

Define keys before you use them - move these lines up a bit
before the controls statement.

> zone "" { type master; file
> ""; };

Hold it - we already defined

I didn't check your zone files - that is what "named-checkzone"
is for!

When starting named - always read the syslog!

"tail -f /var/log/messages &" works for me.

I have some concerns about what data will be made public and
what will stay local - but get named up and running first, and
then we can talk about content.

Your resolv.conf seems to be heading the direction of including
DNS servers with different views of the DNS - don't do that - it
makes me angry....

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