nslookup domain.com

u2369 u2369 at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 13 13:25:09 UTC 2002

it's my first post on this mailing-list...and my english isn't verry good..
now my problem:
i'm running a fbsd box at home with cable and the ip
using bind8.
i have a local dns-server for the domain mwz.xxx
and a public dns-server for the domain cbl-pls.ch and alm-pls.ch.
in nic.ch i registred these 2 domains with the nameserver ns.cbl-pls.ch
everything works fine for cbl-pls.ch. i can lookup ns.cbl-pls.ch, cbl-pls.ch, www.cbl-pls.ch ...
and www.alm-pls.ch, ftp.alm-pls.ch works. but NOT just alm-pls.ch. 
i want that the people can go to the domain alm-pls.ch and not just www.alm-pls.ch
here are my configuration files. i created them as they are described in every book i have
about configurating a dns-server.(web-hosting company). btw: i have no secondary dns-server.
here are the necessary config files:

options {
        directory "/var/cache/bind";
 notify yes;

logging {
 category lame-servers { null; };
 category cname { null; };

// Localhost

zone "." {
        type hint;
        file "/etc/bind/local/db.root";

zone "localhost" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/local/db.local"; 

zone "127.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/local/db.127";

zone "0.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/local/db.0";

zone "255.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/local/db.255";

// Lokales Netz

zone "mwz.xxx" {
     type master;
     file "/etc/bind/intern/mwz.xxx.db";
zone "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
     type master;
     file "/etc/bind/intern/192.168.0.db";


zone "cbl-pls.ch" {
     type master;
     file "/etc/bind/cbl-pls.ch.db";
zone "131.162.217.in-addr.arpa" {
     type master;
     file "/etc/bind/217.162.131.rev";
// Domains extern      

zone "alm-pls.ch" {
     type master;
     file "/etc/bind/extern/alm-pls.ch.db";

$TTL   5D

@         IN SOA      ns.cbl-pls.ch. hostmaster.cln-pls.ch. (
                      2002011104 ; serial (YYYYMMDDserial)
        2H )
          IN   NS     ns.cbl-pls.ch.

   IN   MX  5  mail.cbl-pls.ch.
   IN   A                                ; <-- with this i can ping cbl-pls.ch
                                                                       ; when i add this to alm-pls.ch i can ping alm-pls.ch too
                                                                        ; but that's not the correct way thought
ns   IN   A

www       IN   CNAME  cbl-pls.ch.
ftp       IN   CNAME  cbl-pls.ch.
mail      IN   CNAME  cbl-pls.ch.
pop   IN   CNAME  cbl-pls.ch.


@    IN    SOA      cbl-pls.ch. hostmaster.cbl-pls.ch. (
                    2002011102 ; serial (YYYYMMDDserial)
      12H        ; 12h, 
      1H         ; 1H,
      2W         ; 2W
      2H )       ; 2h        

     IN    NS       ns.cbl-pls.ch.
77   IN    PTR     ns.cbl-pls.ch.

$TTL   5D

@         IN SOA      ns.cbl-pls.ch. hostmaster.cbl-pls.ch. (
                      2002011104 ; serial (YYYYMMDDserial)
        2H )
   IN   NS     ns.cbl-pls.ch.

   IN   MX  5  mail.cbl-pls.ch.

www       IN   CNAME  ns.cbl-pls.ch.
ftp       IN   CNAME  www
mail      IN   CNAME  www
pop       IN   CNAME  www

;     IN     A    <ip>       (if i add this it will work)

I changed the names and domains for privacy :-)

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