Problems with Win2K and Bind 9.2.0

Danny Mayer mayer at
Wed Jan 16 03:17:14 UTC 2002

At 06:44 AM 1/15/02, Paul Smith wrote:
>I've just tried Bind 9.2.0 from
> and tried
>running it on Windows 2000 Pro.
>It takes a LONG time (about 10 seconds) to resolve a name which isn't in the
>cache or a local zone. My firewall isn't reporting any denied packets

The problem is internal to the Win32 code in BIND 9.2.0. There is currently
a 2 second delay every time a socket needs to be added to the list of
sockets to be selected on.  This could be changed to reduced the time,
which should alleviate the problem but not solve completely. Work is
currently under way to handle sockets in Win32 native mode which will
eliminate this issue.

>If I use Bind 8.24 on the same PC, with the same configuration, it works
>fine and resolves names very quickly.

Use BIND 8.3.0 in the meantime.

>I've used debug logging and it simply seems to have time-outs after 2
>seconds of waiting for a response.

See above for an explanation. If you have built this yourself, you can change
the timeout, by opening lib/isc/win32/socket.c and going to the watcher
function.  Change the following lines:

         tv.tv_sec = 2;
         tv.tv_usec = 0;

to say, 0 and 100, respectively, which will change the timeout to 0.1 second.
You'll need to play around with these numbers to get good performance.


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