Getting different IP's from same DNS server on different machines

Nate Campi nate at
Tue Jan 22 02:18:25 UTC 2002

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 05:53:23PM -0800, Nate Campi wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 01:28:25AM +0000, Barry Margolin wrote:
> > In article <a2i9c9$q9v at>, Nate Campi  <nate at> wrote:
> > >As for you Brad, your PCs each had a different IP for a domain name with
> > >different IPs because BIND (normally) round-robins the IPs for a name
> > >with multiple A records. It was simply luck of the draw which IP your
> > >PCs ended up getting. It's not windoze-version dependent, it would/could
> > >have happened to any two DNS clients, regardless of the OS.
> > 
> > Except that one of the addresses he listed is in the A records that gets
> > returned from the authoritative DNS server, but the other one *isn't*.  If
> > he did both lookups from the same LAN within a few minutes of each other, I
> > don't think Akamai's DNS load balancing should have caused that other
> > address to show up.
> You should know, though, that its not necessarily the case the IPs
> returned won't change from one minute to the next in akadns, from the 
> same location.

Of course I don't really mean "one minute to the next", but "one TTL to
the next", which is 5 minutes for's case.
Nate Campi | Terra Lycos DNS | WiReD UNIX Operations

I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. - Groucho Marx

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