dig-problems, query-problems

@quasar Internet Solutions, Inc. shore at quasar.net
Thu Jan 24 02:28:23 UTC 2002

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 pilsl at goldfisch.at wrote:

> why does trace find the answer and normal dig does not ??  Is it
> possible that normal dig query slaveserver (like ns2 or ns4) first and
> this slaves doesnt have the newest zonefile yet ?  I thought a request
> will always be directed to primary nameserver first and only if this
> fail - to the second and so on !?

My guess would be they have not updated yet.  You can find out what
version of the zone they see by using dig @ each of the nameservers
individually.  No, Primary, Secondary, etc. do not rollover that way.
They are (not technically but for all practical purposes) random.

> I also killed and restarted named (on the machine where I run dig) but
> the results stays mysterious to me ...

You'll need to first clear out the cache before restarting to force the

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@quasar Internet Solutions, Inc.  *** "Internet Powered by Experience"

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