How to sync multi-viewed domain?

Osman Shoukry oshoukry at
Tue Jan 29 23:50:46 UTC 2002

Dear all,
I just ran into an interesting problem that I am not sure how it can be

Problem givens:
1) Two servers Master and Slave.
2) One domain "" with two separate views, Internal and Default.
3) Master's views for
view "internal" {
        match-clients { trusted; };  // slave server is part of trusted
        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "int/";
                allow-transfer { "slaves"; };
view "default" {
        match-clients { any; };
        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "ext/";
                allow-transfer { "slaves"; };

4) Slave's views for
view "internal" {
        match-clients { trusted; };
        zone "" {
                type slave;
                file "int/";
                masters { xx.xx.xx.xx; };
view "default" {
        match-clients { any; };
        zone "" {
                type slave;
                file "ext/";
                masters { xx.xx.xx.xx; };

Using this setup, the Slave retrieves both "" and puts one in "ext"
and another in "int", however the contents are the same, they both match
"internal" on the Master server.
I know exactly why this is happening, and that is because the slave's "ls -d" on the master matches the "internal" view only.

How do you have a master with two views for the same domain, and have a
slave transfer those TWO different views?

My only temp work around now is to make the "default" view on slave server a
master of the record, which requires manually keeping the records in sync.

Thank you very much, and awaiting your reply,

Osman Shoukry

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