Split DNS - Internal W2K and External BIND

Jan Alfastsen jan at funfactory.dk
Thu Mar 7 19:37:39 UTC 2002

Hi' there.

I have 2 external BIND 8.x.x server acting as primary and secondary placed
on my DMZ ie. behind the firewall.
These servers holds about 60 domain names.

Now i have 2 Windows 2000 AD domains on my LAN behind the firewall. Say:
abc.dk and def.dk
These domain names are also used externaly.

Now I'm tired of maintaining zones both internaly and externaly.

I want's to make a zonetransfer from the BIND 8.x.x. servers on the DMZ to
my Windows 2000 AD DNS servers on my LAN.

This works fine, but I'm not able to add extra hostnames to the zones
located on my W2K servers.

Any ideas how to make a workaround??

Actualy we use about 30 of the external domain names internaly for

www.abc.dk (external)
mail.abc.dk (external)
beta.abc.dk (internal)
test.abc.dk (internal)

How do I solve this???

Best Regards
Jan Alfastsen, Den Blaa Avis A/S

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