Duel Master/primary Servers

Michael Kjorling michael at kjorling.com
Mon Mar 11 20:41:17 UTC 2002

Hash: SHA1

Why do you need two masters? Can't one master and one slave forwarding
updates (if you're using DDNS) do?

Anyway, if you *do* need a dual master setup, this isn't functionality
provided natively by BIND. You'll have to transfer the zone files
using some out-of-band mechanism like rsync over ssh.

And what do you do if you find yourself having two conflicting
updates? I'm just curious.

Michael Kjörling

On Mar 11 2002 11:08 -0800, Michael Martin wrote:

> I need to have two Master/primary DNS servers.
> This way my slave serveres should always be able to find
> an available master/primary.
> How is there a way to have the mastere/primary server
> update master/primary server 2?

- -- 
Michael Kjörling  --  Programmer/Network administrator  ^..^
Internet: michael at kjorling.com -- FidoNet: 2:204/254.4   \/
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