I am sooo confused...

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at center.osis.gov
Fri May 3 20:01:54 UTC 2002

On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 06:51:51PM +0000, Barry Margolin wrote:
> >- When I ping NIMS-NW6 from wilshire, I get this error saying,
> >"Warning: time of day goes back, taking countermeasures."  All the
> >machines here are maybe off by a couple minutes.  Can this cause this
> >and how can I fix it?
> I don't think this has anything to do with DNS, since there are no times in
> DNS messages.

For better trust in your logs, you should sync one of your local
machines to your ISP's NTP (Network Time Protocol) server, and sync all
the rest of your local machines to that one.  More complex
configurations are possible, of course.  Just DON'T sync to one of the
Stratum-1 time servers: if everyone did that, they'd start to leak time
packets all over, and that would be a mess to clean up.  ;-)

OBTW: has anyone suggested a nifty little book called DNS and BIND, by
Cricket Liu and Paul Albitz?  It's available from O'Reilly, or any good
bookseller, including www.bookpool.com.  Right now, you should get the
4th edition, and not any previous editions.  Read it and learn, and you
can throw away the current subject line.

Joe Yao				jsdy at center.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
OSIS Center Systems Support					EMT-B
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