speed up possible answer

Michael N. Felzien admin at pied.com
Wed May 22 04:36:20 UTC 2002

> is there any way to speed up domain resolution? i have been receiving
> requests in why some of my customers cannot go into certain domain,
> and they can do it from their own ISPs. provided that we can get to
> most of the websites ... such as yahoo, google ...etc.
> i understand that may be a DNS propagation issue. but is there other
> way i can check if there is anything wrong in my dns server settings?
> any help will be appreciate.
> melvin


Try to keep the dns queries close to the hosts.  i.e. keep the metric
close to one.  i.e. near the gateway.  Most gateways use some type of
algorithm based upon metric values so keeping them low is usually a good
thing as far as creating small routing tables.

It sounds like you might have a proxy or some type of firewall preventing
dns lookups from your lan.  You might also be blacklisted depending if you
have been a bad dns admin.  Also, make sure that you have at least three
dns entries in each host node.  That may help if the primary is down etc.

Sincerely Yours,

Mike Felzien

| Michael Neil Felzien         |                                      |
|  Process Integrated          | The supreme happiness of life is the |
|  Engineering Design (PIED)   | conviction that we are loved.        |
| http://www.pied.com          |                                      |
| mnf at pied.com                 | - Victor Hugo                        |
@a=("nz ujnf","nz mpwf","nz ejtdjqmjof","nfnpsz");$b="Pearl H. Felzien
Born August 15, 1922  Died September 22, 1998";$c="Michael N. Felzien
n$b jt nz hsfbu $lv jo mjgf!\n";$d=~y/b-z/a-z/;print$d;$e="\tI efejdb
uf";$e=~y/b-y/a-z/;print$e;for($i=0;$i<@a; $i++){$a[$i]=~y/b-z/a-z/;
if($a[$i]eq$a[-1]){$f='boe nz mjgf up ifs';$f=~y/b-z/a-z/;print" $f ".
$a[$i].".\n";}else{print" ".$a[$i].",";}};print"\n--$nb\n\n$c\n\n";

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