DNS Access

Barry Fawthrop barry at ttienterprises.org
Wed Nov 27 23:11:23 UTC 2002

Thanks John

Your comments are very welcome, and I agree with them entirely

I have read what I guess must be "some" of the DNS RFCs 1034 & 1035
They explained in my understanding that DNS uses primarily a UDP connection
but does use a TCP connection when transfering and entire domain.

It also gave the codes used for the different queries and classes, which I
kind of understood, but could not grasp hold of how the packet shown ties up
with a programming language to request the information.

I'm used to programming  in delphi as follows:
TCP.Readln (data);
TCP.WriteLn ("Here is my info");

So all though I understood they were discribing how the packet must look I
couldn't grasp how this translates to a programming code as above??

I could find nothing that would say: (for example)
To recieve a domain transfer
  open a TCP connection
  send a TCP packet xyz,
  read TCP data until EOF char received???
  close TCP connection
  data recived is in format bytes [0..5] record type bytes [6..130]
information etc...  OR
   each domain information is on it's own line thus TCP read will read
multiple lines one per record??

Not sure if I'm making sense or not, if I'm let me know

Thanks again

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