Urgent: DNS Header Request Id corruption

Saad Kadhi bsdguy at docisland.org
Tue Oct 15 01:56:04 UTC 2002

On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 06:21:10PM -0700, kapilburman wrote:
> Is it possible that the Request ID  in DNS Request query is different than the Request ID in Response???
> This problem happens transiently. Any ideas, how can it happen????
how did you come to this conclusion ? 

are you sure that the requests/responses don't get interleaved as a consequence
of receiving many queries ? to illustrate my point, you can have sth like:
query with id x received for data x
[other data]
query with id y received for data x
[other data]
resp with id y sent for data x
resp with id x sent for data x

Saad Kadhi -- [saad at docisland.org] [bsdguy at docisland.org]
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