Lu!s Croker lcroker at
Thu Sep 5 15:00:47 UTC 2002

    Hi...  I just put the follow options in named.conf

        max-cache-ttl 259200;
        max-ncache-ttl 300;

    because Im having problems with some domains that have just 300
seconds for TTL and often my DNS servers stop to resolve these
domains... I put theses options to retain cached information more
time...  if I use dig, I get the records from the nameserver's domain...
(300 seconds). How can I know or see the other time (259200 seconds) ?

    I dont know if I can explain very well.. I hope so, my English isn't


On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 02:40, Simon Waters wrote:
> "Lu!s Croker" wrote:
> > 
> >    Hi, Im looking for a tool that let me see the time that X table or
> > domain is being cached... I mean, how many minutos/seconds Im going to
> > continue having the table cached... Is there someyhing different to dig
> > or host comamnds? Thanks...
> Records are cached not domains or tables.
> What is wrong with using "dig" for this purpose?
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