xfer issues

Steven williamss at adelphia.net
Mon Aug 25 18:26:23 UTC 2003

Good day all I have an issue with my current bind 9.2.2 servers. I
have four servers currently running as such "hidden master and three
slaves", now of the three slave servers I have nsX nsXX and nsXXX. Of
these servers I have nsX in the South US nsXX in the West US and nsXXX
in the East US. I am having an issues that nsX is not getting updates
when zones are reloaded on the master. I have checked my logs to try
to find out if there is a failure but I can't find anything to prove
such. I am wondering if there is something I might be missing in my
logs that might prove there is a network issue. Below is a copy of my
logging statement so you may review and see if there is anything else
I can do or if you know of a specfic error that I might look for.

logging {
        channel "namedlog" {
                file "/log/named.log" versions 25 size 5M;
                severity debug;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;
                print-time yes;
        channel querylog {
                file "/log/namedquery.log" versions 5 size 25M;
                severity debug;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;
                print-time yes;
        channel "xferlog" {
                file "/log/namedxfer.log" versions 25 size 5M;
                severity debug;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;
                print-time yes;
        category client         { namedlog; };
        category config         { namedlog; };
        category default        { namedlog; };
        category dnssec         { namedlog; };
        category general        { namedlog; };
        category lame-servers   { namedlog; };
        category network        { namedlog; };
        category notify         { namedlog; };
        category queries        { querylog; };
        category resolver       { querylog; };
        category security       { namedlog; };
        category update         { namedlog; };
        category xfer-in        { xferlog; };
        category xfer-out       { xferlog; };

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