Mirroring DNS masters

Dan Brown dan at amanah.com
Tue Aug 26 19:02:51 UTC 2003


I was just wondering if anyone mirrors their master domain name servers
as either an exact mirror or a copied mirror for redundancy or load
We have a couple of Cobalt RaQs which themselves are not hard to setup but
rather than setting up master and slave nameservers, we would like to setup
two master servers.  99% of DNS updates would occur on the one server and
for the most part updating the zone files on the other server is going to
be handled through a cron job and some scripting using SSH.

By doing this we hope to acheive the complete redundancy of another master
server (which would be listed as our secondary, but serves as a mirror on
another network) rather than a secondary server whose records start to
expire after 12 hours.

I've done some searching on both the bind archives as well as Google but
have only so far been getting hits referencing LDAP.  If anyone could point
me towards some documentation on either how to do configure mirrored DNS
masters or what difficulties there are in attempting such a configuration, I
greatly appreciate it.

Dan Brown
dan at amanah.com

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