Mass Update of DNS Records

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Thu Aug 28 21:18:00 UTC 2003

phn at wrote:

> Jake <jake at dontmailme.coma> wrote:
> > I need to change the IP address of about 200 DNS records and also increase
> > the serial number by one for each.  Is there a script out there to do this?
> > Basically I need it done like this:
> > 1) Look through all zone files for IP address X
> > 2) If IP address X found, replace it with Y
> > 3) Increment serial number for this record
> Using 'vi' will take an hour and a half.  It would take me more time
> to find a scripting solution then to "just do it".

The scripted solution would take me a little less time, because I can do all of
the updates via "nsupdate" and I already have "go through all of the zones and
look for something"-type code I could re-use. Using Dynamic Update for all
updates makes these kinds of bulk operations a lot easier (no manual
incrementing of serial numbers either!).

- Kevin

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