DNS update failed 'RRset exists (value dependent)'

Mark_Andrews at isc.org Mark_Andrews at isc.org
Mon Jan 27 23:42:36 UTC 2003

> Hi
> I use my RH8 as Master-DNS-Server (with Bind9).
> When my W2k-Server tried to update the DNS-Zone, I get the following error:
> DNS update failed 'RRset exists (value dependent)'
> What can I do to resolve this?

There is nothing to resolve.
Please read the FAQ that ships with BIND 9 before posting.

Q: I keep getting log messages like the following.  Why?

   Dec  4 23:47:59 client updating zone 'example.com/IN':
   update failed: 'RRset exists (value dependent)' prerequisite not
   satisfied (NXRRSET)

A: DNS updates allow the update request to test to see if certain
conditions are met prior to proceeding with the update.  The message
above is saying that conditions were not met and the update is not
proceeding.  See doc/rfc/rfc2136.txt for more details on prerequisites.

Mark Andrews, Internet Software Consortium
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark.Andrews at isc.org

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