Views and zone delegation

Rusty Draper rusty.draper at
Tue Jan 28 09:16:16 UTC 2003


I recently had a tough time trying to re-configure a name server that provides forwarding for an internal domain, to use views.

I wrapped up my internal zones and created acl's for the internal IP space and then wrapped up the external zone for public consumption, with match-clients set to "any";.

The symptom was with the views enabled, all queries were deferred to my parent.  The parent delegates authority to the above mention server for the sub-domain it's trying to serve.

With the "view" and "match-clients" statements commented out, the server worked, but internal IP space was visible externally, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

I was successful in setting this type of bind configuration on a new domain.  The scenario described here is already established.


// ACL's are used to restrict recursive access to the name
// servers.  Our desire is to restrict recursive queries to
// our internal systems only.

// Internal GEO-1 resolvers

acl "geo-1-prod-internal" {

// External GEO-1 external IP space

acl "geo-1-prod-external" {

// External GEO-1 staging IP space

acl "geo-1-staging-external" {

// Future External Corporate IP space

acl "geo-1-corporate-external" {

options {
                  directory  "/some-zone/prod/named";
                  pid-file   "/var/named/";
        // Listen only on our own interfaces
        listen-on {

        allow-recursion {

logging {
        // Add some custom channels.
        channel geo-1_syslog {
                syslog daemon;
                // Debug messages will not be sent to syslog, so
                // there is no point to setting the severity to
                // debug or dynamic, use the lowest syslog level:  info.
                severity info;
        channel geo-1_logfile {
                // This can be adjusted depending on what level
                // of logging is desired.  Right now we need
                // to see plenty as we are logging attempts
                // to update our DNS
                file "/var/named/named.log" versions 30;
                severity dynamic;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;
                print-time     yes;
        channel geo-1_debug {
        // Debugging channel
                file "/var/named/named.debug" versions 30;
                severity debug 3;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;
                print-time     yes;
        // Set up categories to use the channels created above
        category security {
                // geo-1_debug;
        // Turning off query logging.  Interested
        // in security and zone transfers
        category queries {
                // geo-1_debug;
        category notify {
        category xfer-out {
        category default {
        category lame-servers {

// External View

// view "public-view" {
// Match clients
        // recursion no;
        // match-clients {
         //     any;
        // };

        zone "." in {
                type hint;
                file "root/named.root";

        zone "" in {
                type master;
                file "master/reverse/db.127";

        zone "" in {
                type master;
                file "master/forward/";
                allow-transfer {

// };

// Implementing internal view for GEO-1
// All internal subnets and zones are represented here.
// The match-clients statement locks down usage to the PCS VLAN
// (Admin channel)
// red - 2003/01/21

// geo-1-internal for all private non-routable 10. IP space

// view "private-view" {
//// Match clients to our PCS VLAN.
//      match-clients {
//              geo-1-prod-internal;
//              //;
//              //;
//              //;
//      };

//      allow-recursion {
//              geo-1-prod-internal;
//      };

//      zone "." in {
//              type hint;
//              file "root/named.root";
//      };

//      zone "" in {
//              type master;
//              file "master/reverse/db.127";
//      };
//// List out our zones.  Since we are keeping just private IP space
//// here and we are not making the '' zone visible
//// externally, no need to keep separate zone files as in NRTJP.
//      zone "" in {
//              type master;
//              file "master/forward/";
//      };

//// Test zone to figure out what's wrong

//      zone "" in {
//              type master;
//              file "master/forward/";
//      };

//// PCS VLAN (Admin Channel)
//      zone "" in {
//              type master;
//              file "master/reverse/db.16.135.10";
//      };
//// HACMP/AIX Clustering VLAN
//      zone "" in {
//              type master;
//              file "master/reverse/db.52.135.11";
//      };
//// ?? VLAN
//      zone "" in {
//              type master;
//              file "master/reverse/db.52.135.10";
//      };

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