DNS Ports

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard at tesco.net
Wed Jul 23 11:24:04 UTC 2003

DH> Thank you for your reply, but a simple statement
DH> that I have to "un-learn" this is not much informatin.

That's why I said to see the web page for details.  It
describes, for each case, either the decision criterion 
for having a DNS/TCP hole in one's firewall or the reason
that a DNS/TCP hole is always necessary.

DH> As to "see the web page for details" - what web page ?

The web page whose URL I gave you in line 3 of that very 
message (and that you've even just included again in 
your reply).

DH> As to being wrong, both "Linux Firewalls 2nd edition" 
DH> and O'Reilly's "DNS and BIND" discuss this and both 
DH> agree queries and responses are sent and received by 
DH> UDP and TCP is used only is UDP size is exceeded.

Which is _not_ the same as:

	DH> DNS uses UDP to send and get data.

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