Complete newbie

DvDmanDT dvdmandt at
Sun Jul 27 00:39:09 UTC 2003

Hello everyone... I'm a complete newbie to BIND... I'm familar with Apache
and PHP, running my little private server.. I use as my current
'domain', I use their NS currently... Say I got And say my
IP is I have an ADSL connetion... I get my IP using
DHCP... Is it even possible to setup my own DNS server then? Assuming my IP
never changes as it has been the same last 6 months or so...

If it's possible, how do I setup it all... I installed BIND 9.2.2 into
G:\Windows\system32\dns... What would I type in rndc.conf (and what is rndc?
I'm completely new like I said), what would I type in names.conf (well, not
sure about the name, but you understand which file I mean), and what in that
key file that rndc-confgen -a created?

What I want is the following:
I have mod_l33t installed on Apache (lets me have subdomains like and so on, like vhosts), with some subdomains... As
I said, I use's DNS server ("A" and "MX" (at UNI.CC' DNS))... I can
change that option to "NS (For external name servers)" as they call the
options... Then I'm supposed to enter two Nameservers... What should I type
in those? My ip? My (Dynamic DNS sub's) domain? Also, maybe I
for some reason would like to point to some other
IP... How would I do that? Case you wonder: allowed this somehow...

Any links / comments / files are greatly appreciated... Thanks in advance...
// DvDmanDT
MSN: dvdmandt at
Mail: dvdmandt at

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