DNS problems AHHHHH

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Sat Nov 29 03:11:26 UTC 2003

At 04:28 PM 11/25/03, Skybuck Flying wrote:
>I have two DNS problems today:
>1. My Internet Service Provider DNS server is not working properly ? Other
>people in Europe are also having DNS problems...

Provide details of the errors in the application event log

>2. Normally I would start my own DNS server... ( BIND PE ) But BIND PE
>crashes... I have shutdown many windows xp services which I normally do not
>need. ( For performance and security reasons )

Install BIND 9.2.3. Most of the crashes will disappear. BIND PE is based on
a buggy version of the BIND 9.2.x socket code.

>So my question concerning BIND PE is: What windows xp services does this
>program  need ?

TCP/IP plus usual base services. Turn off the DNS Client, it will cause you 
of problems especially if you are running your own DNS on the box. BIND PE
also keeps it's cache will will cause all sorts of problems that will take 
a while
to clear up.

>And last but not least: WTF is going on in europe with DNS at the present
>time lol. ?!

What's WTF and does this have anything to do with DNS?


>   Skybuck.

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