A little help please Thanks

News Subsystem news at news.astraweb.com
Sun Oct 26 16:04:16 UTC 2003

this is new to me but trying to learn without help but I am now stuck

I am having major problems and it is driving me nuts!!!! I have done
everythig to make this work (i think) Ido some time get the dig to
show all of my info correctly  from other outside servers but all the
sudden it stops working for no reason at all. everything works
perfectly from the server box all info reply's perfectly but from
nowhere else I don't know what else to do 
I have never been able to bring up the web page from any where but the
localhost never from the internet. I have been reading this group for
a couple of day's now and it has got me this far without asking any
questions until now. I hope I have sent enough info to at least get a
few answers

here is my info 
Suse 9.0 pro
bind 9.2.2   <- suse installed version
dig 9.2.2

zone edschooler.com

@		IN SOA		edschooler.com.	root.edschooler.com.(
				2003102603	; serial
				2D		; refresh
				4H		; retry
				6W		; expiry
				1W )		; minimum

		IN MX		10 mail.edschooler.com.
		IN NS		edschooler.com.
@                  A  
mail               A  
www                CNAME        @


zone 127.0.0 
@		IN SOA		localhost. root.localhost (
				2003102503	; serial
				2D		; refresh
				4H		; retry
				6W		; expiry
				1W )		; minimum

		IN NS		localhost.
1		IN PTR		localhost.
zone localhost

@		IN SOA		@	root (
				2003102503	; serial
				2D		; refresh
				4H		; retry
				6W		; expiry
				1W )		; minimum

		IN A
		IN NS		@


	notify no;
zone "." in {
	type hint;
	file "root.hint";
zone "localhost" in {
	type master;
	file "localhost.zone";
zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" in {
	type master;
	file "127.0.0.zone";

include "/etc/named.conf.include";
zone "edschooler.com" in {
	file "master/edschooler.com";
	type master;

Thanks for ANY help

Ed schooler

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