Query source port 53

phn at icke-reklam.ipsec.nu phn at icke-reklam.ipsec.nu
Tue Oct 14 15:36:47 UTC 2003

Bragi Baldursson <bb at simi.is> wrote:

> Does BIND 9 use port 53 by default for querying?   How can I change this?


If you, by any reason wants bind-9 to use port 53

The ARM manual says : Query Address

If the server doesn't know the answer to a question, it will query other nameservers. query-source specifies the
address and port used for such queries. For queries sent over IPv6, there is a separate query-source-v6 option. If
address is * or is omitted, a wildcard IP address (INADDR_ANY) will be used. If port is * or is omitted, a random
unprivileged port will be used. The defaults are

query-source address * port *;
query-source-v6 address * port *;

    Note: The address specified in the query-source option is used for both UDP and TCP queries, but the
    port applies only to UDP queries. TCP queries always use a random unprivileged port.


> Með kveðju/Best Regards
> Bragi Baldursson
> GPRS Kerfisverkfræðingur/GPRS Systems Engineer
> Sími/Tel.:  +354 550 63 08    mailto:bb at siminn.is
> Fax:  +354 550 62 39    www:http://www.siminn.is
> Gsm:   +354 892 63 08

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