Moving a DNS servers IP address.

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard at
Tue Sep 9 11:23:20 UTC 2003

DB> [...] there may be bind caveats involved I don't know about.

There are.

DB> Otherwise you may tell me where to go (hopefully).

Go to this web page (and read it):


DB> [...] we changed all of the SOA expiration record times [...]

The fields in the "SOA" resource records are irrelevant.  What
you should be changing are the TTLs on the delegations.

DB> (I think the IP [addresses] should be changed [at OpenSRS] as
DB> well [...] my boss thinks they will update automagically.)

You are right.  Your boss is wrong.  This is addressed on the 
web page.

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