Puzzling XFR question

slidge at slidge.com.invalid slidge at slidge.com.invalid
Mon Apr 12 22:34:47 UTC 2004

>Is ns1 listed in the NS records of the zones, or the "also-notify"
>option in ns0's named.conf?  If not, it won't be notified that the zones
>have updated, so it doesn't know to refresh them immediately; it will
>instead wait until the SOA Refresh period expires and poll them.

 Sorry about the double follow-up, but looking in the BIND ARM, I see
 under the "notify" option:

  If yes (the default), DNS NOTIFY messages are sent when a zone the
  server is authoritative for changes, see Section 3.3. The messages are
  sent to the servers listed in the zone's NS records (except the master
  server identified in the SOA MNAME field), and to any servers listed in
  the also-notify option. 

 ns1 is listed in the SOA MNAME in all the zones.  I will add it to the
 also-notify option, that should fix it.

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