Why the --disable-ipv6 option does not work?

Edvard Tuinder listbind at lunytune.nl
Thu Jun 10 01:21:40 UTC 2004

According to won seok:
> Hi. 
> I think my linux pc is able to operate ipv6. 
> But I want to build the bind9 without ipv6 support. 
> I tried several ways to do it like following. 
> # ./configure --enable-ipv6=no
> or
> # ./configure --disable-ipv6
> But both of the results are not my expected thing. 
> ....................
> checking for IPv6 structures... yes
> checking for Kame IPv6 support... no
> checking for in6_addr... yes
> checking for in6addr_any... yes
> checking for in6addr_loopback... yes
> checking for sin6_scope_id in struct sockaddr_in6... yes
> checking for in6_pktinfo... yes
> ....................
> What shall I do? 
> Please response to me. 

You should do nothing. --disable-ipv6 is not a valid option, so the
configuration script will ignore it.

If you do not want to use IPv6, make sure that your system has no
IPv6 interfaces. Bind will then not do anything with IPv6. You can
also specifically disable all IPv6 support by using listen-on-v6 {  none; };
within the options field in your named.conf.


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