Looking for DNS reverse lookup service

Steve Friedl steve at unixwiz.net
Tue Jun 15 17:11:33 UTC 2004

On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 12:55:36PM -0400, Danny Mayer wrote:
> At 01:31 PM 6/14/2004, Humes, David  G. wrote:
> >A few weeks ago I ran accross a for-fee service that claimed to provide all
> >the names associated with an IP address rather than just the single name
> >that you get with a typical nslookup reverse lookup.  Unfortunately, I
> >forgot to bookmark the site and have now googled through about 20 pages
> >without success.  Can anyone provide a referal for this service?
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >--Dave
> dig -x IPAddress

No way, that's not what he's asking.

If I have my website at BigHost, Inc. the inverse name for my site might
be "host123.bighost.com", but there could easily be 100 other websites
that *point to* that address. "dig -x" will only give one of them unless
the webhoster includes all hundred PTR records (this is unlikely).

There is no authoritative way to collect this information: one can only
accumulate it as one does lots of domain-name stuff over time. I have
seen a service he's asking about, and I thought it was from Netcraft or
one of the other uptime companies. They are in a position to notice that
multiple www addresses resolve to a single IP.

Alas, looking all over netcraft.com doesn't reveal this service.


Stephen J Friedl | Security Consultant |  UNIX Wizard  |   +1 714 544-6561
www.unixwiz.net  | Tustin, Calif. USA  | Microsoft MVP | steve at unixwiz.net

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